In practice, it varies by region and in general 08:00 – 12:00 / 13:00 – 17:00 service is provided between the hours.

With the web-tapu system;

  • With the Web-land registry system, the landowner can view information about their property.
  • Payments can be made electronically to obtain an up-to-date land registry certificate, mortgage document, and land registry record example with legal validity.
  • The landowner can authorize others to review information about their property.
  • The landowner can initiate transactions online without going to the land registry office and can send the necessary documents to the land registry office via the internet. Thus, transactions can be initiated without the citizen having to go to the land registry office, bringing it to the signing stage.
  • With Web-land registry, citizens can establish a declaration to prevent transactions on their properties without coming in person, or they can remove the declaration they have established. This serves as a precaution against fraudulent attempts.
  • Additionally, using Web-land registry, the owner can securely grant real estate agents the authority to view land registry information and apply to the land registry office, or they can revoke the authority they have granted.
  • Citizens who have gained the status of heirs can view properties registered in the name of the deceased who has not yet undergone the transfer process.

Currently, we provide service and answer calls from 08:00 in the morning to 18:00 in the evening on weekdays. 

With the help of operators, you can make appointments for your transactions at the Land Registry Offices.

You can obtain information on matters related to Land Registry and Cadastre, and you can convey your opinions, suggestions, and requests to our institution.

With the Spatial Real Estate System (MEGSIS), you can instantly visually learn the location of your property from the official website: http://cbs.tkgm.gov.tr/parselsorgu.aspx

e-Randevu sistemi ile internet adresi üzerinden işlemleriniz için Müdürlüklere gitmeden randevu alabilirsiniz: http://randevu.tkgm.gov.tr

Yurt Dışından Arayan Vatandaşlarımız İçin Telefon No: +90 312 4108600

Applications to the Land Registry Office for all kinds of transactions (sale, mortgage, registration, etc.) can be made by the property owner or by individuals or legal entities authorized by the owner through the e-government web land registry system.

Mortgage cancellations are completed electronically upon the request of the relevant banks within the scope of the Protocol made between the banks and TKGM.

Required Documents for the Sale Transaction: 

  • Identity Document: For all parties involved, including representatives if any. (For foreigners, an identity document or passport issued by their own country is required.)
  • Representation Document: If there is representation in the transaction, a document proving this is needed (such as a guardianship decision, power of attorney, etc.)
    • Foreign Identity Document or Passport: Mandatory if a foreigner is involved in the property sale transaction.
    • Foreign Identity Number Declaration Form: Accessible at https://www.tkgm.gov.tr/yabancii-db/formlar,
    • Power of Attorney and Attachments: If the transaction will be carried out by proxy. If it's a credit transaction, a Mortgage Contract is required.
    • Currency Purchase Document/Bank Receipt:
      Needed for transactions involving foreign currency.
    • (Property Valuation Report: The report must be prepared by one of the organizations authorized by the Capital Markets Board (SPK) to perform property valuation..
    • These organizations can be accessed at http://www.spk.gov.tr/SiteApps/SirketIletisim/List/gds. .
  • Mandatory Earthquake Insurance Policy (DASK): Required for properties that are buildings.
  • Property Tax Value: According to the provisions of the Property Tax Law No. 1319, the property tax values determined each year must be sent to the land registry offices electronically and completely before January 1 of each year.
  • Transaction Fee: According to item 20-a of the 4th schedule of the Law No. 492 on Fees, a fee of 0.2% is collected from both the buyer and the seller based on the declared value of the property, which should not be less than the property tax value.
  • Revolving Fund Fee: Collected in accordance with the schedule attached to the Law No. 6083 on the Revolving Fund of the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre.
  • 2 Official Promissory Notes: These should be printed on a single page, front and back.
  • 1 Mortgage Clause: A document that outlines the terms and conditions of the mortgage.
  • 1 Exemption Letter for Land Registry Fee: This must be wet-signed by branch authorities.
  • Power of Attorney and Authorization Documents: If someone else will be conducting the transaction on behalf of the property owner.
  • Earthquake Insurance Policy (DASK): Required if the property is subject to condominium ownership.
  • Original Identification or Passport of the Proxy: If the mortgage transaction will be carried out by a proxy, the proxy's power of attorney in the form of a regulation and the original of the proxy's identification or passport are required.

To view your property information on the e-government system, your Turkish Identification Number must be registered in the system. You can make this adjustment from the "MAKE A DECLARATION" section on your e-government page or correct it by applying through Web Tapu.

  • You can complete your transaction by making a property association application from the "apply" section of the Web Tapu system.
  • Alo 181 Tapu ve Kadastro Hizmet Hattını arayarak da taşınmaz bilgilerini vermeniz halinde adınıza bildirim kaydı düzenlenecektir.
  • You can meet your request without going to the land registry office by applying through Web Tapu.
  • According to Article 17 of the 4th Schedule of the Fees Law, a revolving fund service fee is charged per document, regardless of the regional coefficient, for the title deed and mortgage document given as a copy.
  • In non-authorized transactions, the revolving fund fee is collected twice as much.
  • Independent sections within the scope of the Condominium Law No. 634, buildings constructed as residences on privately owned properties registered in the land registry, and independent sections used for commercial purposes in these buildings are subject to compulsory earthquake insurance.
  • The owners of the property or those with usufruct rights are responsible for compulsory earthquake insurance (DASK). All registration and cancellation transactions related to independent sections and buildings subject to this insurance are considered as land registry transactions within the scope of compulsory earthquake insurance, except for the case where a registered property becomes unregistered.
  • All land registry offices are authorized to carry out land registry transactions outside their jurisdiction. Applications to land registry offices for land registry transactions outside their jurisdiction can be made under the conditions specified in TKGM Circular No. 2018/1.
  • The Revolving Fund Fee is determined according to the Schedule I Tariff attached to the Law No. 6083 on the Revolving Fund Enterprise of the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre. 
  • https://giris.tkgm.gov.tr/dsermaye-im/yasal-dayanaklarimiz
  • Land registry fees are reported to the contact number reported to the land registry office via SMS; the payment serial number in the SMS can be deposited from the banks contracted with the land registry office or from the E-collection page in cash or by credit card.

The fair value can be obtained by the property owner or their representative from the municipality where the property is located.

There is no need to pay the land registry fees again. You can inform the land registry officer and the mortgage can be established at the next available time or day.

  • For the Family Home Annotation, a residence certificate obtained from the central population administration system or the population directorate is required, along with a population registration sample that shows marital status.
  • After divorce, a Family Home Annotation cannot be made as the family union is dissolved.

There is no obstacle to the transfer of a mortgaged property to someone else along with the mortgage debt. Permission from the mortgage creditor is also not required for this. Following the transfer, the land registry director will notify the creditor in accordance with Article 1019 of the Turkish Civil Code (TMK). If the creditor does not request new collateral from the old debtor within a year, the debtor will have accepted the new owner.

Elbirliği halindeki mülkiyette maliklerin tümünün bizzat veya vekaleten ilgili tapu müdürlüğüne talepte bulunması halinde paylı mülkiyete geçilebilir. Ayrıca miras nedeniyle elbirliği mülkiyetinde 2009/6 sayılı genelgeye göre tebligat yöntemiyle paylı mülkiyete geçilebilir. Bunların dışında mahkeme kararı ile elbirliği mülkiyetine son verilmesi mümkündür

According to the Temporary 1st Article of the 634 numbered Condominium Law, "In buildings where floor easement was established before this Law came into effect and where the constructions are completed and a building usage permit is obtained, condominium ownership is automatically transitioned without requiring any other documents including mandatory earthquake insurance upon the application of one of the joint owners who have floor easement or upon the building usage permit being sent to the land registry office by the authorized administration." There is no penal sanction specified in the article.

There is no age limit for obtaining a Health Report. The capability of the applicant to perform legal actions is investigated. If the office has doubts about the applicant's capability based on their statements, behavior, and actions, a health report is requested from an official or private health institution regarding whether the person has the ability to discern.

The required documents for establishing floor easement are:

  • Identity document (belonging to the parties and their representatives, if any)
  • If there is representation in the transaction, representation document (Authorization document, Power of Attorney, etc.)
  • Architectural project
  • Site Plan and Building Permit for Mass Constructions
  • Management Plan
  • Architectural application project prepared during the approval process of architectural projects (2021/4)
  • Three-dimensional numerical building model of the architectural project (2021/4)

In buildings where a floor easement has been established and a building usage permit has been obtained; upon the application of one of the joint owners who have floor easement or upon the sending of the building usage permit to the land registry office by the authorized administration, the transition to floor ownership is automatically made without requiring any other document, including the mandatory earthquake insurance policy.

Special Situations Assessment (2014/2)

In requests related to real estate properties with floor easement, since it cannot be determined from the land registry whether the building has actually been built on the ground, these properties are excluded from mandatory earthquake insurance without any correspondence with the relevant municipality or official institutions. However, mandatory earthquake insurance is required when the building usage permit is presented in properties with floor easement.

In the floor ownership transaction, in addition to these documents; (2021/4)

Building usage permit: The presentation of the building usage permit for all independent sections is required.

If the building usage permit has been sent electronically in transactions where floor ownership is directly established on real estate properties that have previously undergone a change of type, no physical document is required.

Mandatory Earthquake Insurance: According to Article 10 of Law No. 6305 on Disaster Insurances, mandatory earthquake insurance is required for independent sections subject to floor ownership. Exceptions in our Administration's Circular No. 2014/2 (1754) are taken into account.

Under the scope of Articles 3 and 10 of the Law, upon the notification of the cadastral directorate, if the real estate property that has undergone a change of type has floor easement, the transition to floor ownership is automatically made based on the official deed related to the registration of the floor easement and the documents obtained during the establishment of the floor easement, without requiring any other document.

According to this; based on the registration notification to be prepared by the cadastral directorate, a notation is made on the main property's land registry page that the transition to floor ownership has been made by making a change of type on the main property's land registry page. No other document, including the mandatory earthquake insurance policy, is required by the land registry office. No revolving fund service fee is collected.

For company name change requests, the process is carried out without requiring any other documents if both the old and new names of the relevant company are found in the authorization certificate generated by querying through MERSİS. If the old name is not found in the authorization certificate, representatives are directed to the relevant trade registry directorate to make the necessary update in MERSİS. If it is reported by the relevant trade registry directorate that the name change could not be updated in MERSİS, the process is carried out according to the Turkey Trade Registry Gazette in which the change was published and the authorization certificate obtained from MERSİS.

Land registry offices see the authorization certificate in MERSİS, so there is no need to obtain it from anywhere else.

Web tapudan, Alo 181 Tapu ve Kadastro Hattından başvuru yapılarak Tapu Sicili Tüzüğü’nün 74. ve 75. maddeleri ile 2016/2  sayılı Genelgesi doğrultusunda işlemlere yön verilmektedir.

İdareden kaynaklanan hataların düzeltilmesinden tapu harcı ve döner sermaye ücreti alınmaz. İlgililerin kusuru olmaksızın nüfus müdürlüğü tarafından resen gerçekleştirilen maddi hataların düzeltilmesi, tamamlanması ve geri alınması işlemleri neticesinde tapuda yapılan kimlik bilgileri düzeltme işlemlerinden döner sermaye ücreti tahsil edilmez.  Hatanın, ilgililerce sunulan veya başka idarelerce düzenlenen belgelerden kaynaklanması halinde ise tapu harcı ve döner sermaye hizmet bedeli tahsil edilir.

Hak sahibinin belirlenmesi konusunda ilgili mevzuat;  Tapu Sicili Tüzüğü 18. madde, 03.09.2013 tarihli, 7059 sayılı Tapu Sicili Uygulamaları konulu Genel Duyuru ve 2013/13 sayılı “Yabancılara İlişkin Tapu İşlemlerinde Kimlik Tespiti” konulu genelgedir. Ehliyet mevzuatımızda hak sahibini belirlemede esas alınan belgelerden değildir. Kimlik Belgesi veya pasaport geçerli belge olarak kullanılmaktadır.

As regulated in our Circular No. 2013/13 titled "Identity Determination in Land Transactions Related to Foreigners", if the land registry office deems it necessary, a Turkish translation of passports and foreign country identity documents using alphabets other than the Latin alphabet may be requested, but a Turkish translation of passports or country identities arranged according to the Latin alphabet will not be requested.

As regulated in our Circular No. 2013/13 titled "Identity Determination in Land Transactions Related to Foreigners", if the land registry office deems it necessary, a Turkish translation of passports and foreign country identity documents using alphabets other than the Latin alphabet may be requested, but a Turkish translation of passports or country identities arranged according to the Latin alphabet will not be requested.

Division / Separation;; It is the process of dividing a parcel into two or more parts upon the request of the concerned party, in accordance with Articles 15 and 16 of the Zoning Law.

  • Identity document (Belonging to the parties and their representatives, if any)
  • Document related to representation if there is representation in the transaction (Power of attorney, guardianship decision, etc.)
  • Document showing the real estate declaration value (Obtained from the Municipality to which the property is affiliated.)
  • Change file (It must be arranged by Freelance Engineers and its suitability must be checked and approved by the Cadastre Directorate.) 
  • Municipal council decision / Provincial administration board decision (Municipal council decision is required within the adjacent area, and Provincial Special Administration decision is required outside the adjacent area.)

For this document to be processed by the land registry offices, it must belong to that year.

The document showing the real estate declaration value is electronically obtained by the Land Registry Offices from the district municipalities to which the property is affiliated.

According to the third paragraph of Article 10 of Law No. 6305 on Disaster Insurances, the owner of the immovable property or the holder of the usufruct right is responsible for mandatory earthquake insurance.

Restrictions; It is the general name of annotations, declarations, easement rights, real estate tax liability, foundation indication, and pledges that restrict the property right.

A sample of the Land Registry Record can be obtained; Applications can be made through Web Tapu without going to the land registry office to meet the request.


According to the Circular No. 2010/7: A newly taken, identity-identifying, passport-sized photograph reflecting the current status of the grantor must be affixed and sealed. Powers of attorney whose photographs are only attached by paperclip are not accepted. (There is no need to attach a photograph to powers of attorney given to represent legal entities.)

No, the practice of taking photographs has been abolished in land registry offices.

The reasons for the termination of the power of attorney are stated in Articles 43, 512, and 513 of the Code of Obligations.

Unless otherwise agreed (it may have been agreed by the parties to continue even after death), the power of attorney relationship ends with the death of either party, the declaration of absence, the loss of the ability to exercise civil rights, bankruptcy, resignation, dismissal, and the expiration of the term if it is time-bound.

Unless otherwise agreed (it may have been agreed by the parties to continue even after death), the power of attorney relationship ends with the death of either party, the declaration of absence, the loss of the ability to exercise civil rights, bankruptcy, resignation, dismissal, and the expiration of the term if it is time-bound.

Revocation of the power of attorney is not subject to any form. Revocation can be done through a notary, as well as by letter, fax, or petition.

The original power of attorney (or notarized copy) or certificate of inheritance presented during the transaction remains in the Land Registry Office and is archived in the transaction file. However, if the same documents are to be used in another transaction at the same land registry office, they do not need to be presented again.

If a power of attorney/authorization document used for any transaction by any land registry office is uploaded to the TAKBIS system with an e-signature by the relevant office, it can be used in other land registry offices as well, without the need to take the original into the property file/office archive, as its validity can be confirmed through the system with a time stamp and e-signature.